Saturday, March 6. 2010
Better Video for OK GO's "This ... Posted by Ancient of Days
in Oddities at
Comments (2) Trackbacks (0) Better Video for OK GO's "This Too Shall Pass"
A few weeks ago, MG linked to a "marching band" version of OK GO's latest video, for the song "This Too Shall Pass". I wasn't as impressed with it as I have been with past videos, which is why I was glad to find this other video for the same track, which includes the absolute best "Rube Goldberg"-style machine I've seen yet - I mean, it involves a person on a zipline, two televisions, 4 paint guns,and a *CAR*. Very cool.
Tuesday, February 16. 2010This Too Shall Pass
From the people that brought you treadmill dancing, I present for your viewing pleasure "This Too Shall Pass" by Ok Go. Unfortunately, embedding was disabled for this video. Here's the link:
Wednesday, January 27. 2010Five Season of "Lost": A Haiku
A plane gone missing,
A hatch found; Others, Jacob. Back in time--the bomb. Wednesday, January 27. 2010King Kong: A Haiku
The giant ape climbs.
Fay Wray is clutched in one fist. The planes swarm--the planes! Monday, October 12. 2009Thwart Us and Die #6While podcast 5 in the “Thwart Us and Die” series is currently undergoing post-processing, I had a brand-new operating system installed hours before our recording this past Friday and, as I went back to listen to it, the mic was WAY too sensitive, causing it to clip the audio on almost every sound. I tried a couple of recovery tools, but nothing was able to save the audio. My apologies. Wednesday, September 2. 2009PMP my "tric"
Well it's clear now what you all can get me for Christmas. I have always wanted an MP3 player. I guess technically I already have 3 of them, but strapping my desktop computer on to my back and jogging in place in my apartment just isn't practical. Frankly neither is this. But I want it sooooo bad.
Seriously though, a PMP designed to look like a Star Trek The Next Generation Tricorder is just absolutely ridiculous. I can't imagine that the screen would be large enough for me to want to watch any movie or tv show. And at a price tag of a little over $360, it's way too expensive for something that only holds 12 hours of music. But why do I want it so bad? |
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