Friday, January 21. 2011The hand of fate
The D&D group I regularly attend is in the process of starting a new campaign. In doing so we decided to switch things up a little by adding a new (to us) "Fate" system. I've really enjoyed this as it has allowed me to give my character an in-depth background. My last real character was a lot of fun to play, but his back story came from the jokes and collaborative meta-gaming as to how he had all of his quirks. We are currently playing an enjoyable L5R game. However I find myself being unable to put my self into the world or my character. Part of it is that I don't know the back story and as this is only a space filler game have no intention of learning it. To a lesser degree is the fact that I made my character bad on purpose as I plan on doing a lot of TrekWest5 when we get around to Babylon 5. That way he isn't an essential part of the party and nobody suffers when he disappears. I guess the bottom line is that he isn't "real" to me. I have a large email chain going on with my group as we discuss our characters and their respective backgrounds. We all come from the same village which means that any large scale event in our lives probably effected everyone on some level. As an example one of the couples in our group have chosen to play sibling . Part of their back story includes the death of the rest of their family in a fire which consumed the family home. Because of that we have to figure out how that changed them (one now has hysterical blindness) as well as how it changed the village. I was wondering what you guys think about this kind of gaming. Is this something that will keep us playing through the slower parts of a long campaign or is it a big build up for nothing?
Friday, June 25. 2010Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) The Company of the White Panther: The End
After you rush to the railing to peer down at the mangled bodies of Mina and Myna, you begin to notice a soft glow and a faint ringing tone coming from somewhere behind you. You turn and see the familiar metallic orb rising from the throne that lies near the center of the dias. As it gets higher in the air, the tone and the light grow brighter, until you have to look away.
When the light dims a bit, and the tone fades, you turn to find the sphere, now about 50' in the air, projecting the now-familiar image of Myrna sitting as though on the throne, his head bowed in sorrow. "Ah, heroes," the magical projection sighs, looking up at you. "You don't know what you've done here." He stands, and begins to pace back and forth before the throne. As he draws in the air with his hands magical, glowing constructs appear to visualize the narrative he tells. "Thousands of years ago, there were five great adventuring companies that vied against one another to be the greatest heroes in the land - the Company of the White Panther, the Jade Vipers, the Order of the Falcon, the Crimson Wolf Brigade, and the Black Sun. Mina and I founded the Company of the White Panther and collected to us many of the strongest, bravest, and most clever adventurers in the Realms." "The race to become the greatest adventuring company led each of us into some of the most dangerous keeps, ancient manses, and terrifying ruins the Realms had to offer. It was the Black Sun that first stumbled upon the thing that would doom us all - the Portal of Varian." "I don't know where the portal came from, or really who named it, but I do know this: when Valdryn - the found of the Black Sun, and perhaps the greatest warrior I ever knew - opened it, the forces of Hell came screaming out of it descend upon the Realms in a wave of death and destruction that nearly could not be stopped." He stops pacing, and turns to face you. "The entire company of Black Sun was destroyed in that first wave, and it took the combined might of the remaining four adventuring groups to turn back the tide and seal the portal again. Realizing it was our own lust for power and glory that had brought the world to this state, each company agreed to commit themselves to protecting the portal forever more." "We set up a sort barrier between the world and the portal, anchored on each of its four sides by one of the companies. For centuries, I held the High Seat," he gestures at the throne. "I tired of the task, and of the burden of leading the descdants of those who followed us here, so I turned the task over to my beloved, Mina." He pauses for a long while, a looks sadly towards the railing where she and Myna had plunged to their deaths. Finally, he looks back to you. "The Portal is vulnerable now. I no longer know how to directly contact the other companies, but I will seek them out. *YOU* will have to accept the burden of protecting the world from this terrible evil. Keep the Orb, and do not let it fall into the wrong hands - I will use it to contact you when I know how you can proceed to take over guardianship of the Portal's paths. Good luck, heroes, and may Eha guide your steps." Monday, March 29. 2010Reports From the Field
Author's Note: Written from the perspective of one of the characters in my TSG group.
It is odd how the most mundane occurrence can be made extraordinary. Especially when undertaken with the colorful collection of characters comprising my current company. (Oh what a lovely alliteration!) My master assured me this would be a routine journey to acquire some ritual scrolls made available for purchase by a scholar in Winterhaven. Yet here I am, delving into the dank dungeon affectionately designated as Shadowfell Keep. (Another!) All of the activities that we have undertaken seem routine adventures on the surface. Nothing a standard guild couldn't handle. Take for instance the rat-infested ruins of the Keep's southeast corner. My first instinct was to unleash mystical energies in a blast strong enough to clear a safe path through. Standard procedure for adventuring types. But not for this group, no. The first thought for the rest of the group was, "Can we tame one of these giant rodents?" So, of course, several attempt to make friendly acquaintance with the local rodentia. And to my surprise, one actually seems to take a liking to Oskar, our, uh, dwarven ranger. I was mystified by his reaction to success. Instead of having his new ally aid us in ridding this place of evil, he guts the foul thing open. Oh, there was just blood everywhere and all he can say is, "I hate rats. Disgusting." So we clear our path through and discover a chamber off by itself, and thinking we might find some interesting treasure, we explore. Unfortunately, what we find inside is a massive, jiggling ochre jelly. My first thought? Horrifying. My second thought? Let's leave before it decides to jiggle over to eat us. Joben's first thought? Hit it with his sword. That goes predictably wrong and of course as we sensibly began to flee, the murderous gelatin has decided we're worth the effort of a chase. So around the dungeon we go, only instead of, oh I don't know, going somewhere it can't follow us, our fearless troop heads right into a dead end filed with Kruthiks - the worst sort of giant insect to encounter whilst fleeing a large jelly. We miraculously survive both the jelly and the insectoids, then head back towards the less decaying parts of the Keep. Near the entrance we discover a foul-smelling half-orc who wants to join our merry band. Do we ask for some sort of credentials or a display of brawn or brains to determine his worthiness? No. We have a dance-off. Continue reading "Reports From the Field" Thursday, March 11. 2010To tide you over
Since we won't be having D&D this Friday, I'm posting this video I found from Wizards of the Coast:
Thursday, October 8. 2009Thwart Us And Die #4
Episode four may be downloaded here, but only for the brave of heart. Our heroes encounter new foes and learn of new threats against the land. But more importantly, can they select a tabard to go with their new adventuring company charter?
Monday, September 14. 2009D&D Session 3 (It Rhymes)
Will Master Whisper find his mother's killer? Will Silver the Enchantress recover her memories? Will Bronwynn wreak the vengeance she so desperately seeks? Will Undetermined meet his Unforgettable soul mate? Or will our heroes just kill a lot of baddies? Tune in to EPISODE THREE and find out!
Saturday, August 29. 2009It's just a phase.
Return with us to Faerun as our Adventuring company delves further into the cave, lose a member of their party, and goes through a transformative period of their lives. Episode 2 of our D&D Podcast is found here.
Saturday, August 15. 2009Comments (4) Trackbacks (0) Adventuring Company Name To Be Determined
Fun on Fridays is BACK! In the most exciting way the Homestarmy crew knows how: Dungeons and Dragons! Hear the exciting adventures! Listen to the scintillating conversation! Learn about the deep backstories. It's all here and more in the official Homestarmy D&D podcast! Yay!
We do not yet have all the channels available to listeners of Trek West 5, but you can download the recording of our first session here. Tuesday, June 23. 2009Dungeon Masters![]() Does this remind you of anyone? I know I sure had some flashbacks to the inter-net-solutions offices. Monday, December 15. 2008Recap part... Um I should stop numbering these.
Preparations for the dwarven festival seem to be heating up. As I walk down the paths that lead to the forest, I nod at the groups setting up booths. They return the slight greeting but continue their labors. So it is with dwarves, always working until they pay off their life debt and go on "vacation." As the town falls behind me I quicken my pace letting the cool winter air carry my thoughts back.
Continue reading "Recap part... Um I should stop numbering these."
Tuesday, December 9. 2008Recap part III
Another day has passed and still we sit watching. Waiting for the snow to melt and clear the pass. The dwarves are preparing for the upcoming festival. I sit now in the fire's glow reflected off the dragon egg that sits firmly wedged in the fireplace. As I check my armor for flaws and burrs I think back.
Continue reading "Recap part III"
Monday, December 8. 2008Recap part II
I grow weary of this winter. After the morning meeting our group scatters to the wind. Orrik continues to be taught the dwarven style of blacksmithing. (As well as the experimentation he has been helping them with in the field of pies.) Our resident mage appears to be building a guild of local mages. I am unsure of the others, I myself return to the woods each day. I am becoming quite adept at moving through various landscapes. [We roleplayed my ranger learning Undaunted Stride.] As I vault from tree to tree and rush over frozen tundra my mind returns to the past.
Continue reading "Recap part II" Monday, November 24. 2008It's a hard knock life... Recap
The first thing that my brain registers upon waking is always the scent of lilacs. Then reality returns, I really hate that part. I can hear the elderly elf woman, as she shuffles around the kitchen. She doesn't need to shuffle, as the grace inherent in her race still infuses her body. But she likes to remind us that she is old. *sigh*
My daily routine takes over. First check my scimitars,(I don't care if our resident mage is right about magic sword not rusting dulling.) and as I let the routine take control of my body my mind goes back. Heaven, what can one say about it other than the word itself. The lilacs grew up and down the brook. It's why I built my house there. But those times are painful now. Now that I am stuck here on this world of dirt and noise. I remember the first rebellion as a full third turned on the creator. War came upon us, it was frightening how easy the act of killing came to me. Then the second rebellion came and my squad split. The faces of those that I had fought beside turning on me... I was order away from the front. "Protect the Prophets, soldier" I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. My lungs burned as I arrived. But there was no time to rest or even observe the ritual they were preforming. Seeing a weakening in the defensive line I lunged forward. The ring of blade on blade, mixed with the screams of pain and fear. All weirdly set to the drone of the prophets. The soldier to my right fell and it was as I spun blade's whirling to handle the additional foe that the light hit me. So bright I could hear it, the light encompassed my being. As it faded I found my self on the ground, the sounds of battle gone. In their place I found myself in a small town. The smells that assaulted my senses nearly made me lose my last meal. I suppose it would have if I hadn't just been in a battle zone. I got a few looks as I lay there, but I got more as I tried to talk to the locals. A child finally looked up and spoke to me. He led me to my current companions. It was Orrik that told me of this world and how we came to be here. But that's proper as he is the leader of our mismatched little group. My mind registers that I have finished my morning routine. Time to meet the others. Wednesday, October 22. 2008Writeup
Previously, on "Anne's Campaign":
We toured the sewers some more. At some point, we ran into that brat Kip - or, rather, an illusion of him wielding a sword. Further progress into the sewers led us to Kip himself, and then to a small chamber under what is believed to be the site of a former temple. Inside, we found the daughter of that one annoying rich guy, as well as some other chick which turned out to be a dude in disguise - it's not clear if there was magical assistance for the disguise, or if he's just Ru Paul cubed. The room was full of swords, and some of us began examining them, hoping to find the sword that brought us here. Others of us brought a beaten and morally severed Kip into the room and shut the door then stood in front of it, trapping everyone inside. The girl was whiny and unaccountably fierce, but I think we were about to fix that when Radar and his friend had to go. fin Tuesday, September 30. 2008From the pages of Sol's (seldom used) journal
Meeting the brothers at the temple of Ilmater was truly an interesting and humbling experience for me. I find Tana's well concealed contempt for them puzzling. Personally, I was impressed by their conviction and dedication, their selflessness and humility. Though they'd given up nearly every secular comfort I could think of and had willingly chosen to lead lives of discomfort and woe, they seemed to hold no grudge against the rest of the egocentric population, and their endeavors to aid those who suffer gave me a lot of think about. I found their sacrifices heartening, as strange as it may sound. At least there is some good in the world, even if it comes in strange whipped-and-tear-stained packaging.
However long-suffering the brethren of the Broken God are, however, I am not so strong as they. My patience, initially strained by the company of that insufferable child, Kip, was stretched to nearly breaking point after several hours of crawling about in the muck under the city. I can't think of any experience I have yet had as disgusting and horrifying as stumbling upon flesh-eating undead monsters in the bowels of a poorly irrigated sewer line. The encounters with such unnatural creatures were rattling, so much so that after we'd cut down the first creature we had found, the sight of two more lurching from the dark unnerved Tana enough that she sent Kip back up to the surface with a pile of gold. I can only assume the sum of money was to be used to cover the cost of resurrection for the priests of Ilmater when they found our half-eaten, sludge covered corpses. Fortunately it didn't come to that. I was able to repair most of the wounds that were inflicted by the abominations. The farther we wandered into the tunnels under the temple, the more discouraged I felt. The dark was a relief from the unrelenting scald of the sun, but the filth was enough to make me want to give up on ever finding any trace of Brant's ungrateful whelp of a daughter or aiding the Ilmatians with their sewer dire rat and ghoul problem. And that little snake, Kip, didn't help at all, either. I truly have no clue what motivated that brat to lead us into a trap, but when I get my hands on him, the word 'suffer' will take on a whole new world of meaning. It was interesting though--who in the world would put a pit trap of magical darkness in the sewers under a tiny town like Six Ways? If the conditions were more pleasant, I might be interested in exploring more. Perhaps after I had the chance to prepare different spells, but I really loathe the idea of spending any time down in these forsaken tunnels than absolutely necessary. I'm starting to think I've spent too much time on the surface. A few decades ago, and I would have felt much more comfortable in a dark, underground enclosed space. |
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