Thursday, November 20. 2008art dump III
Lately all I've wanted to do is color with red, black and white. And draw floating heads. Thumbnails after the cut, full view are in the gallery thanks!
Continue reading "art dump III"
Tuesday, September 30. 2008From the pages of Sol's (seldom used) journal
Meeting the brothers at the temple of Ilmater was truly an interesting and humbling experience for me. I find Tana's well concealed contempt for them puzzling. Personally, I was impressed by their conviction and dedication, their selflessness and humility. Though they'd given up nearly every secular comfort I could think of and had willingly chosen to lead lives of discomfort and woe, they seemed to hold no grudge against the rest of the egocentric population, and their endeavors to aid those who suffer gave me a lot of think about. I found their sacrifices heartening, as strange as it may sound. At least there is some good in the world, even if it comes in strange whipped-and-tear-stained packaging.
However long-suffering the brethren of the Broken God are, however, I am not so strong as they. My patience, initially strained by the company of that insufferable child, Kip, was stretched to nearly breaking point after several hours of crawling about in the muck under the city. I can't think of any experience I have yet had as disgusting and horrifying as stumbling upon flesh-eating undead monsters in the bowels of a poorly irrigated sewer line. The encounters with such unnatural creatures were rattling, so much so that after we'd cut down the first creature we had found, the sight of two more lurching from the dark unnerved Tana enough that she sent Kip back up to the surface with a pile of gold. I can only assume the sum of money was to be used to cover the cost of resurrection for the priests of Ilmater when they found our half-eaten, sludge covered corpses. Fortunately it didn't come to that. I was able to repair most of the wounds that were inflicted by the abominations. The farther we wandered into the tunnels under the temple, the more discouraged I felt. The dark was a relief from the unrelenting scald of the sun, but the filth was enough to make me want to give up on ever finding any trace of Brant's ungrateful whelp of a daughter or aiding the Ilmatians with their sewer dire rat and ghoul problem. And that little snake, Kip, didn't help at all, either. I truly have no clue what motivated that brat to lead us into a trap, but when I get my hands on him, the word 'suffer' will take on a whole new world of meaning. It was interesting though--who in the world would put a pit trap of magical darkness in the sewers under a tiny town like Six Ways? If the conditions were more pleasant, I might be interested in exploring more. Perhaps after I had the chance to prepare different spells, but I really loathe the idea of spending any time down in these forsaken tunnels than absolutely necessary. I'm starting to think I've spent too much time on the surface. A few decades ago, and I would have felt much more comfortable in a dark, underground enclosed space. Thursday, August 28. 2008meh
I'm not sure I like the color scheme on this one.. I don't know. I'll make any changes that any one suggests.
Full version here It's huge so I'm only putting the thumbnail in this post. Continue reading "meh" Saturday, May 31. 2008DnD entry #3
I like weddings.
I especially like outdoor weddings with lots of people and an open bar. And this particular wedding was so lovely and so crowded, I allowed myself to sip wine and even throw my hood back, all the better to enjoy the party and watch the beautiful, blond bride glide down the isle. Until the goblins showed up. Continue reading "DnD entry #3" Monday, May 12. 2008Behold, the future of America.
When I was 13, it never crossed my mind to steal a credit card from my parents and stay up all night playing Halo with hookers, but obviously this kid is ahead of the league.
I'm posting this here because it made me laugh so hard. Monday, May 12. 2008
sometimes I contribute, too Posted by Wren
in Wren's Art Dumps (NSFW!) at
Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) sometimes I contribute, too
I've been trying to get back to more traditional mediums. So. New art after the jump. Oil on board, just practice. I really, really hate it when my traditional, actually-put-effort-into-this pieces don't have a theme or a message, but this one didn't. D:
Continue reading "sometimes I contribute, too"
Wednesday, April 2. 2008art?
I tried all day to think of something for April Fools to put up here...
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Sunday, March 2. 2008
I really actually have been using my ... Posted by Wren
in Wren's Art Dumps (NSFW!) at
Comments (2) Trackbacks (0) I really actually have been using my Wacom.
Just not very much because I've had an artists block, but there are a couple of bust shots below the fold. And don't get excited, I don't mean bust the way you're thinking.
Continue reading "I really actually have been using my Wacom."
Monday, January 14. 2008I don't just make this stuff up!
Hey, remember when I told you guys that the youngest woman on record to ever give live birth was six years old? And someone said, "That's not even possible," and I insisted that the girl had reached puberty at a very young age, three if I remember correctly, (probably due to hormones in her dairy or eggs, although that's questionable) then got sexually abused by some homeless guy in her South American village at age five and subsequently gave birth to a boy by ceasarian section at age six?
Well it's true. Very occasionally, girls mature at a very young age. They even have a term for it nowadays. They call it 'precocious puberty'. Here is an example. Monday, January 14. 2008More Huckabee Abuse
Seriously, I'll stop badmouthing Huckabee if anyone asks me too. But this guy is just too bad to be true! He's like the Britney Spears of the political world. Self-centered, shallow, and way too well known for his own good. Just read this article and thought, 'How did he win in Iowa?' Seriously. WTF.
Friday, January 11. 2008Mostly for the ladies
This video of a polar bear cub that a zoo in Nuremburg is rearing by hand is just about the cutest thing since Beth.
Continue reading "Mostly for the ladies"
Wednesday, January 9. 2008a new direction...
While Obama and Huckabee were victorious in Iowa, Clinton and McCain won last night in New Hampshire.
Discuss. Monday, January 7. 2008Baaa means NO!
If you are easily offended, then do not click here.
It's kinda like that guy who married that dog in Africa to atone for his sin of stoning dogs to death. Only this story goes in the opposite direction. Friday, January 4. 2008On to New Hampshire!
Huckabee and Obama landed first in the Iowa polls. (I'm not going to bother to find a link for this, because you can find an article on it everywhere--CNN, MSN... Perez Hilton...)
This sort of makes sense to me, I guess. The country would rather have a black guy who's concerned with welfare over a crazy white chick; I can dig that. It's the Huckabee win that dazes and confuses me. But you all know how I feel about Huckabee. What I was wondering is what everyone else thinks of this? Discuss. Continue reading "On to New Hampshire!" Friday, November 30. 2007A Great Loss
According to a credible source, Evel Knievel died today. Which is sad. It's kind of like if Chuck Norris died, only with less press coverage. The man was a legend, even if he was a legend I, personally, never heard much about.
I don't know why I care, but.. but I do. |
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