Sunday, September 27. 2015Dueling Reviews #3
This time, we are reviewing the frustratingly good Heroes: Reborn double-length premiere as well as The Player.
Next up we will be watching FX swing for the Westeros-style fences with The Bastard Executioner and the CBS trying to play in the superhero genre with Supergirl. Heroes RebornJoey's pre-watch thoughts: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Joey's Summary: All right...I said ALL RIGHT! FINE! SHAME ON ME! Joey's Rating: 9 Joey's Season Prediction: Why am I doing this to myself? 5! Give me 5 good seasons! PLEASE! - Instead, I will be bitterly disappointed; cancelled midway through season 2, even though the writing is starting to pick up again after a bit of a slump in late first season through the early part of the second. Aaron's pre-watch thoughts: I will watch the first season, and only the first season. Aaron's summary: Heroes: The Next Generation. It looks good though switching to the video game universe is a little jarring. Aaron's Rating: 5 Aaron's Season Prediction: One great season then increasingly bad until it is cancelled. The PlayerJoey's pre-watch thoughts: Not expecting much from this one Joey's Summary: You're going to hear a LOT of people comparing this one to Person of Interest. Like the writers of The Player, those people don't actually understand what it is that makes Person of Interest tick. This was a moderately fun ride that isn't going to last. Joey's Rating: 7 Joey's Season Prediction: 1 Aaron's pre-watch thoughts: Person of Interest rip off, that doesn't mean it will be bad. Aaron's summary: The rich people of the world bet on peoples lives. It's ok but I would prefer they brought Human Target back. Aaron's Rating: 5 Aaron's Season Prediction: Two and a half: A season and a half before we discover that there are no rich people betting and this is all being run by Samaritan (Ed: he's referring here to the counter-AI from Person of Interest), then cancelled halfway into the next. Sideshow chimes in on The Player and LimitlessThe PlayerPre-Watch Thoughts: I like Wesley Snipes so anything he's in will get at least a watch from me. Summary: Person of Interest did the whole predicting crimes thing better. But where POI has become a story about too much government oversight, the gambling aspect of the Player means it'll never get into anything serious like that. The only thing memorable about the cast is Wesley Snipes over acting was a bit of unintentional comedy. It's a good "popcorn flick", turn off your brain type of show. There hasn't been a good one on TV for awhile. Rating: 5 Summary: Gets moved to Friday somewhere around February, where ratings are expected to be lower, which earns it a 2nd season. LimitlessPre-watch thoughts: This is one of my favorite movies of the past 5 years or so. Great concept. Thought of continuing in the world is a great idea, but of all the things that can be done with the NZT drug, a procedural where the drug is used to help the FBI just seems like such a waste. Summary: Really enjoyed the pilot. A lot of that might have something to do with the fact that it's basically the movie over again. Even the star of the show is a halfway decent poor man's Bradley Cooper, so it feels like this pilot isn't a good representation of what the week to week show will be. Hopefully it doesn't become the Mentalist or Unforgettable, but I have a bad feeling that's what we're going to get. But I'm going to watch it anyways. Rating: 8 Prediction: A Solid by the book procedural that is ultimate disappointing to fans of the Movie that sticks around for 5 years with just enought NZT based tie ins to keep the movie fans interested. Trackbacks
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