Tuesday, February 7. 2017Chapter 1 (Part 1)
The Chentish people live a hard, bitter life; Chental is a barren rock in the middle of the Qorlean Sea, and its people have struggled to find their path in this modern world of qaa-powered streetlamps and steam-driven turbines. Once a band of proud conquerors, sending out regular raids against the Shorefolk, the Chent have in recent years turned to mercenarism. Their skills as sell-swords are highly prized, and their courage and determination in the face of overwhelming odds can be best summarized in one of their beloved folks songs, "Bid Me Not." Sung as a call/response between the Chentish men and women, this song is traditionally performed before any warband leaves the isle; it speaks of their belief in an afterlife, and demonstrates how death in valorous battle is the highest possible virture for a Chentish man-at-arms.
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