Thursday, July 19. 2007oooold
This is an old painting I did in high school.
Don't get the wrong idea; it scanned really.. vibrant. IRL it's more neutral. But it still looked cool. Have I mentioned I love my new scanner? This is the kind of effect I want to get on the new painting I'm working on with Daboo. Continue reading "oooold" Saturday, July 14. 2007I's feeling angsty.
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you -dance dance- Continue reading "I's feeling angsty." Thursday, June 21. 2007Art dump - NSFW
Yeh this one really isn't safe for work because it has half naked boys. -cough-
Uhm so my friend wanted me to draw a 'pretty, girly boy with big brown eyes' so I did. And then I liked him so I drew him again only less girly. And then it was my friend Roma's birthday and she is in love with Vincent Valentine, so there you go. hey can I have my own 'art dump' category now? [Ed: Done and done! "Wren's Art Dumps (NSFW!)" is found immediately under "Personal Entry".] Continue reading "Art dump - NSFW" |
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